[New S-rank Battlesuit | Silverwing: N-EX]After that catastrophe, the ex-soldier chose to live in peace. But when the world fell into another crisis, the familiar figure reappeared on the battlefield.
A BIO-type battlesuit who deals Ice DMG. Use Combo ATK or Ultimate to deploy a scatter barrier for burst attacks.

[New Open World | A Post-Honkai Odyssey Chapter 2]For the stars of heaven and the constellations thereof shall not give their light; the sun shall be darkened in its going forth, and the moon shall not bring its light to shine. Falling into the sunken ruins from the Arcane Castle, will they find what they seek?
APHO Chapter 2 approaches! Play the limited-time event to pick any piece of stigmata recommended for [Silverwing: N-EX]! Crystals and Einstein’s Torus/Honkai Cube Option await!

[New Chapter | Beyond Will]The confrontation with Otto induced more enigmas and emergencies. How will they escape? Will Otto’s plan come to fruition?
Jump into the early access of Story Chapter XXVIII! Earn Umbral Rose’s outfit [Valkyrie Dawn], 4-star event stigma, and Crystals from the limited-time event!

[Major Activity | Elysian Realm Updated]Added the unlockable battlesuits [Silverwing: N-EX] and [Dea Anchora].
Added the second set of Nexus and Enhanced Signets of [Gold], [Setsuna], and [Bodhi] to spice up the combat!

[More Equipment]Unleash greater power! Cannon [Falcon Flare 0019] and PRI-ARM cannon [Falcon Flare: FINAL] join the arsenal!
When the world falls into crisis, the ex-soldier will return. Wings of Reason set [Bronya: N-EX] joins the arsenal!

[More Outfits]Miss Pink Elf’s outfit [Miss Pink], Umbral Rose’s outfit [Valkyrie Dawn], Midnight Absinthe’s outfit [Midnight Martini] join the fashion line!

Whenever the world slides into chaos, she will return to the battlefield, until peace is attained once and for all.

Honkai Impact 3 App 5.4.0 Update

New S-ranker [Silverwing: N-EX] debuts! Play and get the stigma option recommended for [Silverwing: N-EX]!
A Post-Honkai Odyssey continues in Chapter 2! The stars and the moon shall not give their light. Find the answers in the sunken ruins before the inevitable “arrival”…

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