According to its developer Netmarble Nexus, Seven Knights: Revolution will be an upright new MMORPGame with a wonderful storyline.

Originally, as a free-to-play online RPG, Seven Knights was globally published on Android and iOS in 2016. Five years later, in 2021, a famous anime called Seven Knights Revolution: Hero Successor was released. 

The background storyline of the new grand mobile game is that a breed of courageous heroes will lead and save the whole world based on the disappearance of former familiar Seven Knights heroes.

Some features have been revealed on NTP Event.

Seven Knights: Revolution supports classic fighting modes, such as PvP, PvE and Boss Fighting. With high-end visuals, players will have a strong immersion via controlling their own diverse characters.

For characters, many of our familiar characters will still appear in Seven Knights: Revolution. For example, Kyle(Night Stalker), Rachel(Immortal Incarnation) and Kris(Lord of Hell).

Before the release of Seven Knights: Revolution, you can try to play Seven Knights or watch Seven Knights Revolution: Hero Successor.

Note: The game’s release date has not been set yet. We will notify you as soon as the game is officially released.